Bystanders and workplace harassment: How inaction can lead to workplace complaints

A frequent scenario repeats in our work: Offensive conduct, multiple witnesses (or “bystanders”), never reported. Investigators know that bystanders play a key role in workplace complaints; their evidence is often integral to discovering what happened. Bystanders can also play an important role in preventing – or minimizing – workplace misconduct from ripening into a situation where our services as workplace investigators are critical.

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Bill C-65: What Federally Regulated Employers need to know about the new requirements for workplace harassment & violence

Forthcoming amendments to the Canada Labour Code (the “CLC”) and its corresponding regulation the Canada Occupation Health and Safety Regulation (the “COHSR”) impact how federally regulated employers prevent and respond to workplace harassment (Bill C-65). Although not yet in force, federally regulated employers would be well advised to tailor their practices now in anticipation of the new rules.

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